Duration: January 2018 to December 2019

Arrive safely – Qualify specialists. Child-friendly admission of unaccompanied minors

In the years 2018/2019, the DIJuF is participating in the project "Arrive safely - qualify specialists. Child-friendly admission of unaccompanied minors".
Focus of the project is the qualification and further education of actors who work with unaccompanied minors.
The networking of the actors involved in different phases and the provision of needs-based working aids related to the implementation of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) are a main part of the project.

The project is carried out nationwide. In addition to the DIJuF, project partners are the "Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge e.V." (BumF) and "terre des hommes Germany e. V. – Hilfe für Kinder in Not" (tdh).


Dr. Janna Beckmann
06221 9818 - 68
Katharina Lohse
06221 9818 - 13

Safeguarding the interests of children in decisions for unaccompanied minors: Networks, Knowledge and Professional Qualifications (KIWA)

Under the title "Safeguarding the interests of children in decisions for unaccompanied minors: Networks, Knowledge and Professional Qualifications" (KIWA), the DIJuF together with the Bundesfachverband Unbegleitete Minderjährige Flüchtlinge e. V. (B-UMF) and terre des hommes (tdh) carried out a project funded by the EU fund AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund). The aim is the further qualification of guardians, youth welfare specialists and family judges in terms of the target group of unaccompanied minors.

As part of the project, seminars and information materials for guardians are being developed and implemented. Cooperation partners of the guardians are also addressed, especially specialists from the general social service.
For this purpose, the legislation on the subject, which is undergoing rapid change processes, is being processed and presented in an accessible form. The participants will get prepared for their tasks in legal representation and support of the young refugees.

This project is funded by the European Asylum, Integration and Migration Fund (AMIF).


Dr. Janna Beckmann
06221 9818 - 68
Katharina Lohse
06221 9818 - 13

Publication: 2016

Supporting Refugee Children in Day Care

On behalf of the German Youth Institute (DJI), the DIJuF has prepared a legal expertise on issues relating to the support of refugee children in day-care facilities and child day care (published: January 26th, 2016)
In this expertise, it is fundamentally explained that "foreign children who have fled to Germany with their families generally gain entitlement to support services in day-care centers and day-care centers for children in accordance with § 22 et seq. SGB VIII" upon entry" , whereby it does not matter whether the child is "legally resident in Germany or due to a toleration".
It answers many other questions in detail and can be ordered from the DJI (ISBN 978-8-86379-184-1) or accessed as a PDF file (see below). A summary of the results can be found at the beginning of the expertise on pages 9 – 14.


Dr. Janna Beckmann
06221 9818 - 68
Katharina Lohse
06221 9818 - 13